40 Religious Leaders Condemn Conservative Christians In Scathing Letter

By: Ava Parker
September 14, 2024
Faith leaders
Religious leaders in Colorado

OKMagazine.com is reporting that a group of religious leaders in Colorado has backed a ballot initiative to eliminate the constitutional prohibition on same-sex marriage.

Although same-sex marriage has been legal in Colorado since 2014, concerns about potential changes in the Supreme Court have prompted leaders to push for Amendment J, which seeks to enshrine marriage equality in the state constitution.

Campaign director
Susy Bates, the campaign director for Freedom to Marry Colorado, said, “We are one bad decision away from overturning [Obergefell]. If that happens, the 2006 ban would go into effect and marriage for LGBTQ couples would immediately be at risk. We have to take action now to remove the ban and ensure protections for our communities,” Bates said.
Signed a letter
Nearly 40 religious leaders signed a letter supporting the measure, emphasizing their commitment to LGBTQ+ rights and denouncing discrimination.
Faith leaders
The letter states: “As faith leaders and communities throughout the state of Colorado, we stand together in support of the freedom for LGBTQIA+ Coloradans to marry the person they love. We denounce discrimination based on gender, sex, sexuality, and family composition and proclaim together the sacredness of the LGBTQIA+ community.”
Justification for hatred
Conservatives are accused of “misus[ing] religion as a justification for hatred and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ Coloradans. The message of love and compassion, justice and peace are central to our religious traditions.”
Five reasons

The letter gives five reasons for supporting the Amendment:

Honoring the sacred dignity of every person

Respecting our religious freedom

LGBTQIA+ people are beloved

Building a Colorado with compassion and justice

Upholding marriage as a sacred commitment

The letter
The letter continues: “On November 5, 2024, Colorado voters will have the opportunity to vote to remove the current ban on marriage for same-sex couples in our constitution (Amendment 43). Narrowly passed in 2006, this amendment defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Even though the historic U.S. Supreme Court case, Obergefell v Hodges rightly decided that the freedom to marry is the law of the land, recent remarks by Supreme Court Justices Alito and Thomas have put the right to marry for same-sex couples at risk. If it is overturned, marriage for same-sex couples in Colorado would no longer be legal unless we repeal this archaic ban in our constitution. “
Colorado voters
Colorado voters will have the chance to support Amendment J on November 5, 2024, which requires a 55% approval to pass.