GOP Candidate Doubles Down On Haitian Migrant Rhetoric

By: Ava Parker
September 18, 2024
Dystopian nightmare
The influx

The influx of Haitian migrants into Springfield, Ohio has been the cause of significant opposition among right-wing Republicans, as reported by

“Let’s start with we don’t even know how many Haitian immigrants have been brought into Springfield, Ohio,” Republican Senate candidate Bernie Moreno said. “That’s problem number one, and number two is why on earth are we bringing that number of people into a small community like Springfield, where they don’t have the infrastructure, they don’t have the health system, they don’t have the educational system and to get to the place where they do it would cost tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars.”

Numerous Republicans
Moreno is one of a few Republicans who have expressed concern regarding the number of Haitian immigrants entering the small community, arguing that resources should prioritize American citizens over migrants. “We have incredible priorities here in America. We have people in need, American citizens that need housing, American citizens that are struggling because of high inflation caused by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” Moreno said. “Why on earth are we taking precious resources from the American taxpayers and using it to benefit foreign nationals? That’s the real question to Springfield that’s not being answered.”
Sherrod Brown
Moreno accused politicians like Sen. Sherrod Brown and President Biden of forgetting their responsibilities, stating that the focus should be on American families rather than foreign nationals.
Haiti and Haitians
“Elections come down to whose side you’re on and are you on the side of Haiti and Haitians and people suffering all over the world, which clearly we all empathize with, or are you on the side of Americans, American workers, American families, who are seeing their costs of health care go up dramatically, who are seeing their taxes go up, who are seeing their insurance prices go up, who are seeing their grocery bills go up, and what are you doing about that?” Moreno said.
Legal immigrants
He also expressed frustration that legal immigrants feel overlooked as preferential treatment is given to migrants. “They shouldn’t even be in this country in the first place,” Moreno said of those here illegally. “That’s ultimately what is unfolding and why this story matters so much, because this is genuinely the story of America. Do we want leaders in elected office in Washington, D.C., like President Trump, like what I’ll do, like JD Vance, who put America first? Or do you want political leaders that have been there forever? These career serial politicians put the interests of foreign nationals first. That’s ultimately what this election comes down to.”
Welcoming migrants
Moreno concluded by calling out politicians and celebrities who advocate for welcoming migrants without personally experiencing the challenges faced by local residents. “Then you have depraved politicians like Sherrod Brown that hang out with their Hollywood celebrity buddies like John Legend, who from his multimillion-dollar mansion in a bathrobe, by the way, talks about how the people in Springfield, Ohio, should be welcoming,” Moreno said.
Dystopian nightmare
“It’s like living in a dystopian nightmare,” Springfield resident Diana Daniels said. “You hope you wake up and it’s 2019 again, and then you realize it’s 2024, and it’s the same thing over and over again, day after day. It’s hard sometimes to get up in the morning and hear residents that I’ve known for years struggle. This is a paycheck-to-paycheck… kind of town… working class. The citizens that depend on our social services like health care, the Rocking Horse [Community Health Center], going down to the Social Security office for benefits are waiting in line, and they’re not getting the services they need.”