Tim Walz Schools Donald Trump With A Lesson In Politics

By: Ava Parker
September 20, 2024
Lost election
Campaign rally
During a campaign rally in Asheville, North Carolina, Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz took aim at former President Donald Trump, as reported by OKMagazine.com. Walz specifically called out Trump for his misleading claims regarding the 2020 election.
Lost election
Walz noted that there is no doubt Trump lost the election fairly.
No doubt
There’s “no doubt” Trump was defeated, and there’s “no need to have fair and balanced news coverage on that because there is no fair and balance, he lost the election fair and square,” Walz said.
In politics
Walz especially emphasized the importance of congratulating any winner in politics.
You play hard
“You play hard, the other team plays hard and after the game, if you lose you walk across and shake hands and congratulate the other team,” he said.
Step forward
“In politics you take it another step forward,” Walz added. “You walk across and congratulate the winner and then you pledge to do all you can to help them succeed because that’s good for America.”
Teaching experience
Drawing from his teaching experience, he noted that Trump has not yet learned this lesson but will have the opportunity to do so in November.
The lesson
“Now I did teach for a while, I think I’m a pretty good teacher, and I would always give me students extra chances to learn. Sometimes you don’t learn the lesson the first tme. So Donald Trump did not learn the lesson the first time, but the good news is he’s going to learn the lesson in November,” Walz said.